Monday, January 4, 2010

Practical 3 - Gooooooooooogle.

Briefly reflect on lessons learnt from this practical by answering questions below :

a) Were you impressed by google’s search functions/features? Why?

Used google today. Faridah taught us how to use Google's shortcut keys. ;) Still a little complicating. Teeny Weeny bit with all that asterisks and N/2 (??). Google's seriously amazing and because I didn't know there was Google scholar. I thought google was just Google and they don't have other stuff other than Google. You know what I mean. =X

I used Google Scholar for the first time in my life. A tad too boring. Because it searches on articles which means words and it's really boring. And it's search results are too limited. I thought it will do more wonders than normal Google but guess not. Still prefer normal Google because it's search results are more.... by a lot. And it has more variety of resources like blogs, websites, forums and moreeeeeee. But I guess it's better to have more results than less. That's what research is all about. Isn't it?

And I didn't know that we can search google by languages. Cool. Shall explore it another time.

b) How do you feel about participation in discussion forum? Is it helpful for your research? Do you feel anxious about talking to others you do not know?

Oh... I just created an account at SGforum and I wanted to create a new thread/topic. But I didn't know how. I was so lost. You can't blame me because I'm new to forums??? But I think it's rather scary to comment/reply what others say because everyone can see what you type. How you feel and so on. So weird. I don't really like talking to strangers. Got to step out of my comfort zone soon. And that will be the time when I create a new thread or commenting on other people's thread. Will blog again when people reply to my new thread I'm going to create soon.

c) Why must you do citation and bibliography?

I think citations and bibliography are important even though they're boring. Because of plagiarism and all that. It's not good for one to copy part of what people say or write to treat it as one's own. That's not the truth and not right. So to do the right way, citation is important to let people know what you write or say is from. It's a big offence if one is caught not going these stuff. It is also an essential part when doing research. Remember all the ComDI and PcomD?? hahaha.

Speaking of that I reminded me that I still got to compile and cite url's for my last few lesson's resources I took from.

Gtg. Kthxbye :D

(P/S: Check out my new tagboarrrrrrrrrrd. :) )

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