Monday, January 18, 2010

Practical 10 - Blog Reflections and EIR Closure

1. Using your favourite metaphor, describe the most important lesson that you had learnt in your EIR journey.

I have decided to use "Green Horn" my metaphor. I don't like it because it's green but it best describes how i feel about EIR journey. Green Horn means:
  1. An inexperienced or immature person, especially one who is easily deceived.
  2. A newcomer, especially one who is unfamiliar with the ways of a place or group
I thought EIR would be a very simple and easy module. Yes, it is. It seems simple and easy. But its not. I did not know that researching can be so detailed and specific. All that boolean operators, advanced search, scholars, subject directory, invisible web and more. Yes, in the past I was a green horn.

The most important lesson I learnt was the correct way to search for information. And not just by googling everything. Now after this module, I feel that I would have the confidence to search for more better information for my future projects. This would be a skill that it would last me forever.

2. Write a paragraph summarizing your findings on your research topic.

Online gaming not only lets you come in contact with friends, it expands your social circle, enabling you to be more open with strangers or even your own friends. One might even have a closer relationship with the other party. From Stomp's Valentine’s Day Article, this couple met at an online game, Maple Story and they will be together for 4 years this Valentine’s Day. Many said that time pass very fast whenever you are using the computer, because one would lose track of time when he/she is too engrossed in the game. A Korean man dies after playing computer games non-stop for 49 hours. He was fired from his job a month ago because he kept missing work to play games. This shows the effects of online gaming, addiction.In my opinion, I see both good and bad points of online gaming for youths. I believe they must be self control over what you are doing and to know your limits. It is only good if you have control over your life, bad if it’s the game that controls your life.

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