Sunday, January 17, 2010

Practical 6 (forgot to blog :p)

a. Do you think it is more effective to search the invisible web (databases) than using search engines, meta-search or subject directories? Why?

It depends. Only if you are searching more specific subjects or topics, databases would be more effective than search engines, meta-search and subject directories. Because they are more for general topics. You must know what you want to look for when searching through the invisible web, and one must narrow down the search query for specify search. Databases results are mostly about inside information compared to search engines, meta-search and subject directories. Therefore, the information results are true comparing to other search engine results where people use Wiki to edit information.

b. Will you use the invisible web (databases) for research in your own respective Diplomas? Why?

Yes, I would. If it shows and provides me the information I want. Why not?
Being in Environment Design, we would normally research on case studies on other architects, buildings. In which, we need true information so we will not provide untrue information. Because at the end of the day, we have to present our information and of course we would not want to show the wrong information/articles.

c. What have you learnt from your wiki experience during this practical?

I have learnt that sharing information is important. Not only it saves a lot of your time, because other people have been researching about it too. All the more, we get to help users one day when they need these information. It's fast and easy.

Views can be shared too. Understanding how others feel and have a deeper understanding about the topic can give another dimension and meaning to it.

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